Fossil resin that in prehistoric times exuded from various now extinct coniferous trees. It is usually a yellow or yellow brown color. It develops in round irregular lumps, grains or drops, has a perfectly concoidal fracture, is slightly brittle, and emits an agreeable odor when rubbed. Amber burns with a bright flame and a pleasant smell and becomes negatively electric by friction. It was obtained in antiquity from the southern coast of the Baltic Sea where it is still found and obtained commercially by strip mining. It is also found in small quantities in Sicily, Rumania, Siberia, Greenland, Burma, Australia and the United States. Amber is used in the arts. It is also used in the manufacture of jewelry, cigarette holders and pipestems and in the making of varnish.
Amber is the fossilized resin of trees. Most amber is golden yellow to golden orange, but green, red, violet, and black amber has been found. Transparent to translucent, it usually occurs as nodules or small, irregularly shaped masses, often with a cracked and weathered surface. Amber may contain insects, and plant life that were enveloped millions of years ago when the resin was still sticky.
Magic & Myth
With an energy like liquid sunshine, amber is the fossilized resin of pine trees. Amber is said to enhance the beauty of the wearer. The ancient Norse called this stone Freya's tears, after that passionate goddess of earth and fire. It is used to tap into the power of the Sun, and is good for success, abundance, healing, vitality and joy. A powerful stone for manifestation, Amber is also used for healing of the physical body. It carries a negative electrical energy charge and therefore is good to draw power and energy into its bearer.
In combination, amber and jet, represent polarities of power. Light and dark, Sun and Moon, masculine and feminine, kinetic/active and magnetic/receptive. Jet and amber combined, is one of the traditional sacred stones of the High Priest/ess. This gemstone combination worn around the base of the throat is one of the classic ritual adornments of modern Priestesses. Primitive versions of the Amber/Jet theme were said to be worn by the clergy of the Wise Ones in pre-Christian Europe