
Common mineral and the most abundant ore of iron, composed of ferric oxide. It is widely distributed over the world, occurring in rocks of all ages. In the United States hematite comprises about fifty percent of all the ore mined. The chief iron-ore districts in the United States, and probably the most important hematite regions in the world, are located along the shores of Lake Superior in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Extensive deposits are also found in the Appalachian region extending from New York to Alabama, with particularly noteworthy deposits in eastern Tennessee and northern Alabama. 

Hematite occurs in rhobohedral crystals, called specular iron in massive formations, and in earthy forms called red ocher. The crystals are translucent, range in color from dark gray to black, and have a brilliant metallic luster; the earthy varieties are lusterless and red. The hardness ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 and the specific gravity from 4.2 to 5.25. In addition to being the principal ore of iron, hematite is a constituent of a number of abrasives and pigments.

Magic & Myth

The root "hem/o" means "blood". When ground or cut, this blackish gray metallic stone forms a reddish powder. Hematite forms a reflective shield around the wearer, letting negativity bounce off and return to the sender. The bearer should remember however, that their own negativity will be reflected to them if they are its source. It is therefore a "lesson stone," teaching the aware to release and ground their negativity. It heals and cleanses the blood and improves memory.